As your Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, Emotion/Body Code Practitioner, Reiki master, and Healy Provider, I help you navigate your total health & wellness by helping you remove imbalances, disconnections and barriers. Since 2020, I’ve worked with clients in order to achieve good health and balance in all aspects of life. I grew up with a holistic lifestyle, but also faced adversity all my life. I had hurdles, barriers, limitations that I worked through from the beginning. I lost my Dad to Cancer due to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. I decided I was going to learn everything I can about health & wellness to offset the effects that were passed on to myself and my kids. I have a B.S. in Environmental Policy and have done extensive work in the environmental field, especially along the aspect of our physical & mental health as a result of our environment. I have extensive education, research and experiences that have allowed me to live from a Holistic perspective to navigate the Big Picture and live a more prosperous, aware and experiential life. I want to coach others on the many secrets from multiple cultures, beliefs, skills, resources that help us live life to the fullest. I have coached athletics for 27 years and created a profound understanding of how the Holistic foundation creates the well rounded human, as well as animals.
Yes! I love working on animals too and the modalities I use work just as well with animals. So if you are experiencing behavioral issues, eating challenges, family dynamic issues and more Body Code, Reiki and Healy can do wonders for them, as well.
I am Mother and married with 2 awesome dogs. We as a family spend our time hiking, adventuring, exploring, traveling, running and playing soccer. Life is about experiences and learning. We need to feel good to do this.
Get in touch to learn more and take a big step in your health and wellbeing.